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    Web Design Toronto

    SEO Toronto Guy is One of the best Web design agency in Toronto. Normally, a website has a uniform flow where every visitor goes through the same pages and gets the same online experience regardless of whether or not the content is relevant to them.

    With more customers searching for products and services online, having an online marketing strategy is vital for business success. One of the most important elements of your online marketing strategy is generally your website.  

    A good website needs to represent your business brand, it needs to provide well-written content that educates and informs your visitors, and it needs to have an integrated conversion funnel.

    To make a great website, the visitor experience needs to be personalized to their buyer needs and engage the visitor along their journey.

    We develop websites to build visitor communication, engagement, and action, enabling real-time, measurable results.

    This enables analysis regarding the buyer journey, product desirability, and whether or not the content provided meets the customer’s queries.  

    Our business features deliver a more engaging customer experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile, which will boost search engine ranking and sales.

    Business Driving Features


    Online scheduling


    Social icons, feeds, Yelp reviews, and shares

    Responsive Web Design Company Toronto that Bring a Smile on Faces

    Desktop-only websites do not meet changing buyer needs, particularly as comScore’s recent report determined that 71% of time spent online is via mobile and tablet devices, with smartphones more than 80% of that number.

    Desktop devices make up the remaining 29%. What does this mean for the website business owner? Websites have to be built ‘across device friendly’, to meet a changing marketing landscape. That’s why we develop ‘responsive web design’.

    Users may have once accepted the need to stretch and shrink a site to fit the device they were using. Today, if a website is not mobile-friendly, it won’t rank well with Google, and it is likely to have a very high bounce rate as mobile users move quickly onto your competitor’s site that is easily visible and clickable.  

    WordPress Design

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    Responsive Design

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    UI/UX Rich Design

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    We create dynamic websites that change based on user’s behavior

    Every website, no matter whether small or big, SEO is one of the most important marketing tools available to the business owner.

    Search engine optimization determines how effectively your site ranks on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The higher your website sits in the search engine rankings, the more visible your site is to customers.

    We incorporate the most effective SEO approaches on all our clients’ websites to assist in providing a solid foundation of traffic-getting, and customer-converting functionality. Our sites are search engine friendly.

    Superior Speed

    High-speed website performance is a demand of both visitors and search engines.  People expect web pages to load quickly, particularly mobile users searching on the go.  Google recognizes the importance of site speed and lists it as a factor for SEO rankings. 

    When we’re developing websites, we have established protocols to ensure fast sites and continue to test speed levels once sites go live.
     We achieve these levels in numerous ways including by coding our infrastructure to allow for quick server response times and optimisation of images.